
vendredi 24 mars 2017

Walnuts: A Weight-Loss Weapon

Walnuts: A Weight-Loss Weapon

In the event that you cherish walnuts—and are attempting to get in shape—here's some uplifting news: New research proposes those nuts can be a heart-sound expansion to a weight reduction eat less.

In a review in the Journal of the American Heart Association, 245 overweight or fat ladies (ages 22 to 72) were enlisted in an organized health improvement plan and allocated to one of three weight control plans: bring down fat/higher-carb; higher-fat/bring down carb; or walnut-rich higher-fat/bring down carb. The walnut aggregate ate 1½ ounces of walnuts a day. Following six months, all gatherings lost equivalent measures of weight (around 15 pounds). The walnut gather had the most great changes in blood cholesterol, incorporating a little ascent in HDL ("great") cholesterol. Walnuts are the main nut providing a lot of alpha-linolenic corrosive, a possibly heart-sound omega-3 fat.

The review was led by specialists from the University of California, San Diego, and was supported by the California Walnut Association alongside the National Institutes of Health.

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